

for the Next Generation

Passing on a healthy planet
and sustainable society to future generations


Lively is a professional team focused on solving environmental and social challenges in business such as climate change, biodiversity, human rights, animal welfare, and sustainable supply chains.


We propose comprehensive solutions to complex issues by collaborating with a wide range of organizations internationally.


We accompany you to achieve your visions of making positive impacts on environmental issues and businesses.


We preserve and build balanced ecosystems where people, nature, and social systems harmony are in harmony together.



Based on our international knowledge and extensive project experience, Lively resolves management issues, implements strategies, and creates impacts in the field of sustainability.

Joint Research

We collaborate with world-leading universities and research institutions in the sustainability field. We utilize the fruits of the research to develop practical products and services and to tackle corporate management challenges.

Social Engagement

By leveraging our management and hands-on experience in business and sustainability, we encourage behavioral changes by collaborating with social sectors addressing societal challenges.

Learning & Development

We provide training programs to nurture insights and foster collective learning to empower individuals to lead and innovate in the sustainability field.

Product & Service

As a catalyst for change toward a sustainable environment and society, we develop products and services that are both friendly and innovative to the environment and life on Earth.

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  • Lively's expertise in analysing the global trends surrounding circular economy and its ability to provide prompt and detailed service and reporting are highly valued when considering new business that contributes to realize Net Zero. As environmental considerations become an inseparable part of enterprises’ responsibility and business activities, we are confident that Lively’s capability will become increasingly valuable.

    Teijin Limited

    Environmental Solution Innovation Center

    Technology Development Manager

    Gerke Spaling

  • Currently, only 3% of total philanthropy goes to the environment and, only 5% of that comes from businesses. The planet needs bigger support than this, and our growing network of business members is doing its valuable part to increase giving and support on-the-ground outcomes. We're excited to welcome Lively to our global movement.

    1% for the Planet


    Kate Williams

  • Daiken has established a basic sustainability policy and is working to realize a sustainable society, global environment, and economy. With the increasing demands on companies regarding the environment and human rights, we appreciate Lively's support in detailing the requirements of each issue. Lively is a good business partner that specifically addresses our issues and is attentive to the needs of its clients.


    Corporate Planning Department

    Sustainability Section Manager

    Manabu Kamata

    Collaborate with

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